sábado, 8 de outubro de 2016

pointing description

Resultado de imagem para obras de arte

this shows the love between a couple in the case is a pair of two old men, which few people notice is that the place you nose has a little man holding a hat and place you nose has another little man only this this playing guitar, and in place of the ear and the hair you can see a door and a couple in it.

short biography

Short Biography

Pedro Henrique Barroso Salles was born on May 3, 2006 in the state of Rio de Janeiro, the city of Rio de Janeiro, his biological father's name Ryordan Costa Salles, and his biological mother is called Priscilla Leiva Barroso Salles.
He lived in the city of Rio de Janeiro, in the neighborhood of Tijuca to the s his three years old, and in July 2009 moved to São José do Rio Preto and was registered in the Colegio Augustinian St. Joseph, where he studied to date. He currently lives with his father, his older brother, and a dog, his dream is to one day graduate and attend Harvard University, medical school.

My life before...

My life before...

My life before I moved to São Jose do Rio Preto, I lived in Rio de Janeiro, Tijuca, a quiet neighborhood and had all around.
After moving to my last house, where I lived my last year before moving to Sao Jose do Rio Preto.
In the first few months I noticed some differences as the fact of being closest of my family and how my father came to lunch every day with us at home, also the time that we took to get here in the places that was much faster.
Here also started out May spois the price of the restaurants was cheaper and also after a while I noticed that I made more friends, but the same trend as many positive points also noticed the negative as it would be much more difficult to see some of my relatives.

segunda-feira, 27 de junho de 2016


On August 25, 2001 was when I was born

In 2002 I started to walk

In 2004 I learned to read

In 2005 I got my first dog

In 2006 my brother was born

In 2007 the construction of my house

In 2008 was my last year in Rio de Janeiro

In 2009 I entered the school Augustinian St. Joseph

In 2012 my grandfather died

In 2014 I won my first contest

sábado, 25 de junho de 2016

 The book talks about how superheroes are treated after a explosion caused by young heros of Tv program to try capture one of the most dangerous villans even for THE AVENGERS . The book tells how the S.H.I.E.L.D agents whant them to reveal their secret identities, as well as they whant them to speak all his powers so that they are stored in the database S.H.I.E.L.D.
 Iron man supports the S.H.I.E.L.D, but Capitain America opposes as the Capitain said from the beginning of the heroes they use a mak to hide his true face, because of that the heros are divided into two '' teams '', those over and those who are against.

In my opinion this is one of the best books I've ever read, containing  well crafted and well told as it develops during the story, making the reades get stuck to it, carring with it the mystery of who will be the winner.

sábado, 9 de abril de 2016

DVD Blurby

A film full of action, with the most powerful superheros of the Earth against aliens. After the brother of the migty god of thunder Lock, makes a deal with the chitaures coming to land behind......If you want to know what happens run to the  video store amd rent the movie The Avengers .

My name is João Victor I´m 14 years old and lives in São José de Rio Preto, I like to draw, watch TV and live with my brother and my father.